Thursday, June 10, 2010

lights out

Sydney is a GREAT sleeper!! She can sleep anytime, anywhere, and any position.
I recently removed her bumper pads to keep her from crawling out of her crib & this is now, how I find her. So graceful.


katie newton said...

Oh my gosh!!! I am laughing out loud right now!!! That is hysterical!!! Seriously, she is such a great baby... hopefully Kendall will continue in her tracks. :)

KMcNally said...

I busted out laughing! Pax does the same thing but not that extreme. How can you even stand it to take a picture! Hilarious!

Rachel Paxton said...

Cracks me up!!! She is so precious... I feel like I'm missing out with her - she's growing up too fast! Tell her to slow down until Aunt Rachel gets back from Paris. ;)

Lindsay Wagner said...

this is hysterical!!! LOVE that she is totally content sleeping like that! :)

Mommy said...

LOL. Such a lady! ;) I love the photo montage too.

The Wests said...

cute blog tiffany! hope you had a great day.