We took a day trip to the BlueBell Ice Cream factory this week!
As if we didn't get enough ice cream at Sydney's party (and every day since)! We've been trying to come up with a fun outing each week to keep us from going stir crazy until school starts. So we gathered up a few friends and trekked on down to Brenham. The tour guide must have thought we were on a class field trip. 4 moms, 10 kids.
After the tour, we all got FREE icecream! Sydney & Jake are sitting a little too close don't ya think? :)
My attempt at a group photo.
We then had lunch at the Brenham airport. There's a little cafe where you can watch the planes take off & land. The kids loved it. Again, the manager looked at us like we were crazy when we asked for a table of 14.
more adventures to come next week...