Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sydney's dedication

Our church had a baby dedication this morning. It was a special time to celebrate Sydney, to dedicate her to the Lord & to commit ourselves to raise her in the truth of Jesus Christ. She even received her 1st New Testament bible with her name inscribed in it.
III John 1:4 says "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the Truth". I have that verse by my bathroom sink & remind myself each morning that this is why I do this. What an honor & privilege that the Lord has blessed us with!
I love the mom to the left us, covering her little girls' eyes while we prayed.
Sweet smiles.
Girls, look at the camera.
Her very first cake, along with 18 others.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Prayer Pail

Here's an idea for all of your old Christmas cards. Make a prayer pail. If you're like me, you don't want to throw them away, but aren't going to display them ALL on the fridge either. Even if I wanted to stick them all to the fridge, ours is fake stainless steel so magnets are useless. A friend of mine, Mariana, came up with this idea a few years ago. We let Addi pick 1 card each night & we pray for that family during our bedtime prayers. We love seeing everyone's pictures again & hopefully we're teaching Addi how to pray for others. Last night was our first go at it & we prayed for the Smallwoods. Love you guys!

Monday, January 11, 2010

"there's always next year"

That's what Ben & I say every year about A&M football. It doesn't matter about the win/lose record we had or how much time, energy & money that we contributed to watching, cheering & crying over football. We always seem to find the silver lining of next year's football season. To wrap up the 2009 season we headed to Shreveport with some friends for the Independence Bowl. It was a great little get away without kids. Yes, it was a 5 hour car trip & yes, we froze our butts off & yes, we lost again on National tv. Did I mention that we were without kids? To save money, we all shared 1 bedroom at the hotel. It was quite the adventure. The next morning we all pointed fingers on who was snoring the loudest & still thought it beat having to wake up to watch another episode of Mickey Mouse.
before the game, with high expectations
the girls
the guys
Notice the matching toboggans that Lindsay & I got at Walmart.
we make these look good.
waiting on a table at Ralph & Kuccos.
goofing around until we realized this thing cost $110!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Birthday girl

Addison's 2!
We let her open presents and eat pizza & cake in her new dress-up outfit. She was in heaven.
Notice the Mac truck on the table. (Thanks Nana).
Addi LOVES all things Cars. These days you rarely see her without one. We have lunch with the cars, she naps with her cars..
This was a tea set from Grandmother. We made the mistake of letting her fill a cup with real "tea" (water from the fridge). Now she asks for it at EVERY meal.
A new basketball goal from Grammy & Grandpa.
Don't let the frilly dress fool you. She's got game.
Baby sister, just chilling like usual.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! We spent a few days with Ben's family in Houston before heading to Fort Worth to spend a few days with mine. Luckily, both of the girls travel pretty well, so we can't complain. And if driving to grandparents' homes ensures us cakes, cookies and Christmas presents, than by all means, count us in!
Sydney kind of looks like a deer in headlights in this one, but that's nothing compared to Addison. Addi flipped out (hence, no photo).
From now on, instead of timeouts and spankings, I'll just tell her she'll have to sit with Santa.
Isn't this great! It's Ben's parents' neighbor.
I'm taking notes for next year.
Addi riping through presents at Grammy & Grandpa's.
It snowed on Christmas Eve. Hard.
Nana & Sydney, both without coats.
We were too excited.
Dressed up and ready to go to church.
The girls did great. Addi liked the singing.
Addi, Kenlee, Bubba & Kaylee opening 1 gift on Christmas Eve.
Christmas morning.
Fort Worth hasn't had a white Christmas in over 80 years!
Over 3 inches! Addi was afraid to put her feet down.
Ben helped Sydney open her gifts. More pajamas. :)
Addi's favorite gifts:
baby & stroller from Nana
bowling set from Grammy (see below)