Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sydney's dedication

Our church had a baby dedication this morning. It was a special time to celebrate Sydney, to dedicate her to the Lord & to commit ourselves to raise her in the truth of Jesus Christ. She even received her 1st New Testament bible with her name inscribed in it.
III John 1:4 says "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the Truth". I have that verse by my bathroom sink & remind myself each morning that this is why I do this. What an honor & privilege that the Lord has blessed us with!
I love the mom to the left us, covering her little girls' eyes while we prayed.
Sweet smiles.
Girls, look at the camera.
Her very first cake, along with 18 others.

1 comment:

Julie Wheatley said...

Sydney is just so grown up! you look very beautiful yourself! (tiff....ben you like so-so). i love the new heading pic as well of the cute fam of 4!