Friday, January 22, 2010

Prayer Pail

Here's an idea for all of your old Christmas cards. Make a prayer pail. If you're like me, you don't want to throw them away, but aren't going to display them ALL on the fridge either. Even if I wanted to stick them all to the fridge, ours is fake stainless steel so magnets are useless. A friend of mine, Mariana, came up with this idea a few years ago. We let Addi pick 1 card each night & we pray for that family during our bedtime prayers. We love seeing everyone's pictures again & hopefully we're teaching Addi how to pray for others. Last night was our first go at it & we prayed for the Smallwoods. Love you guys!


The Hornberger's said...

great idea!! LOVE IT!!!

Mommy said...

What a wonderful idea. I keep all my cards in a file b/c I don't want to throw 'em away. Much better use for them. :)

The Smallwood Family said...

you are so sweet!!! that is a really neat idea!