Friday, May 7, 2010


Tonight is the big Daddy Daughter Dance!! Get excited!! I'm on the committee this year, so I'm probably MORE pumped about it than Ben & Addi combined. I have to admit though, the thought of making one more paper flower may just do me in. This was my living room last night. And that's only 100 of the 200 flowers that I was in charge of. Ahh! I came up 20 short but who's counting, right?
And Addi has been working on her dance moves!! In her princess dress and high heels of course. I've always wondered where she learned those crazy moves! Ha!!

1 comment:

Brent Brewer said...

Brent says he knows EXACTLY where Addi got her moves... and I say-- you can correct them later :) LOL... so sweet! Her hair is so long and pretty, pretty bangs!

L-O-V-E the dining room table you settled on! Perfect in that room!

Miss ya'll!