Sunday, July 13, 2008

Can you find Addi?

What a mess! This was the scene on Saturday as we rummaged through summer & winter clothes, trying to figure out what to take on our trip this week. There's NO way all of this will fit into 1 bag! And this is mostly just Ben's stuff! Addi was right there in the middle of all of the commotion, chewing on her teething ring (and an occasional pair of socks). We've had about a week to make our plans & to throw together a list of London "must-do's". Thank goodness there won't be a language barrier. We did however, find some of these British-to-Yankee translations amusing...
"tight as a fish's bum" = cheap skate
"geezer" = "dude" (slang for young man)
"Bob's your uncle" = there you go (said with a shrug)
"blow off" = fart (ben's favorite)
Cheers! Tiff


Kelly Hornberger Photography said...

LOVE the translations....might have to incorporate those into the Hornberger household!! Hope you guys have an awesome time!! I cannot wait to hear about it...another honeymoon!! Don't worry...Addi will be sooo excited when you get back!!

Amanda said...

Hey guys! DIdn't know ya'll had a blog! Addison is getting so big and she is sooo precious! Miss seeing ya'll!!!

Mommy said...

Addi's adorable! Post pics of London when you get back!! :) ~lisa