Tuesday, July 22, 2008

London highlights

Whew! What a whirlwind of a trip! We crammed so much into this trip, the Queen herself would be impressed! Here are the highlights...

Grandest sight: Westminster Abbey
Craziest sight: guy in a fat suit (in a bikini). Surely, he had lost a bet!  
Most impressive: Tower of London
Biggest letdown: changing of the guards
Most tasty: fish & chips! mmm!
Should have skipped: the mustard- yuck!
Best quite moment: hotdogs in Hyde Park
Best moment of all: coming home to Addi!

me & Big Ben
my knight in shining armor
Ben made me get "in the map" (for you "Friends" fanatics)
I loved the telephone booths. I doubt they're used much these days, but loved them none the less.

1 comment:

Brent and Abbey said...

Tiff! How fun! Great pictures! I can't wait to hear more about it! Especially Addi's expression when she saw you come back-- oh to have been a fly on the Wall's wall!- Abbey