Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pictures of Addi!

Addi is growing up SO fast! Miss Kelly took her 6 month pictures for us and they turned out SO great! Kelly, you are AWESOME! I love the way you capture so many of Addi's sweet (& silly) expressions. Here are just 2 of my favorites, but you can view all of them on Kelly's website (Kelly Hornberger Photography: in my favorites). Once you're in her site, click on "my peeps", and type in "addison". I love em'!!


The Smallwood Family said...

love the tutu - so cute!

Mommy said...

Kelly is super talented. Wow. I feel like I've met little Addi. :)

Amanda said...

Those are BEAUTIFUL!!

Kelly Hornberger Photography said...

I am honored, Tiff...thank you for giving me a shout out. Addi was WAY too easy to shoot....she is freaking adorable!! I need to keep Jake hanging around...maybe someday sparks can fly...hahaha...love you girl, and I was honored to take them for yall!!

harris5 said...

I have the MOST BEAUTIFUL neice in the world!! Love, aunt Tami