Monday, March 2, 2009

prayers please?!

hey prayer warriors. can you be lifting us up? we're having quite the morning. it began at 2am, when i checked myself into the ER here in College Station. i have fluid in my left middle ear & have been put on pain killers and ammoxicillian. i cried at walgreens as the sweet 24-hour pharmacist helped me put drops in my ear & cried on my way home, feeling sorry for myself that I had gone through the ordeal by myself (ben & addi have both been sick so i had left them at home). and cried myself to sleep in the guest room at 4am, praying that the pain would end. little did i know that at 6am, Ben got up & drove himself to the same ER, saw the same doctor and has now been admitted into the hospital for pneumonia! he'll be in the hospital for 4 or 5 nights until they can get it all under control. poor guy! we had already taken him to the ER friday morning & they had sent him home with a "viral infection". i hate that they missed it the first time. he's been so miserable. now his entire right lung is infected. even the doctors are a bit concerned. ben's mom is on her way here to watch addi so that i can go to the hospital and sit with ben. and my mom is planning on getting here wednesday to relieve debbie. even ben's grandmother has volunteered to come help out. i feel so blessed to have such sweet ladies just a phone call away! if you'll also keep addi in your prayers. she's still recovering from her ear infection from last week. thanks guys! love you!


Gina said...

Yes, asking right now on your behalf. We love you. Let us know when you're all well.

Unknown said...

Seriously...let us know what we can do...that is a lot of sickness at one time. I hope that Ben feels better and I know that you want to be with Ben.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, wow....I will definitely be praying! What a tough time you are going through but I am so glad you have Ben's mom and your mom to help!! That is wonderful. I hope you guys get to feeling better soon and Ben gets well quick. I know its tough seeing your husband sick! Keep us posted.

The Smallwood Family said...

we have been thinking about y'all and praying for wellness!

Brent and Abbey said...

Oh, Tiff... I want to call and check in, but don't want to bug you... I will keep up through your mom. Hang in there and get rest for the little bun in the oven! We love you and we are praying for Ben- thank you Lord for good medicine and good doctors!